Tekozuru (てこずる - Having Trouble with Something)

Mar 8, 2018 14:10
When you cannot handle something and have trouble with it, we express it using the Japanese verb てこずる (tekozuru).

There are several theories about the etymology of "tekozuru."

According to a theory, てこ (teko) means "leverage" and ずる (zuru) means "to slither."

In this theory, "tekozuru" comes from the situation where even if you tried to move something using the power of leverage, it slithered and didn't work.

According to another theory, "teko" means "helper" and "zuru" means "to trouble someone."

In this theory, "tekozuru" comes from the situation where you needed a helpers and troubled him/her.



ある説は、「てこ」は "leverage," 「ずる」は "to slither" を意味し、「てこずる」は「てこで何かを動かそうとしても滑ってうまくいかないこと」が語源だとしています。

またある説では、「てこ」は "helper," 「ずる」は "to trouble someone" を意味し、「てこずる」は「手助けの人さえも煩わせるようなこと」が語源だとしています。
No. 1 artboy598's correction
  • Tekozuru (てこずる - Having Trouble with Something)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • When you cannot handle something and have trouble with it, we express it using the Japanese verb てこずる (tekozuru).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • There are several theories about the etymology of "tekozuru."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • According to a theory, てこ (teko) means "leverage" and ずる (zuru) means "to slither."
  • According to one theory, てこ (teko) means "leverage" and ずる (zuru) means "to slither."
     More natural in my opinion.
  • In this theory, "tekozuru" comes from the situation where even if you tried to move something using the power of leverage, it slithered and didn't work.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • According to another theory, "teko" means "helper" and "zuru" means "to trouble someone."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In this theory, "tekozuru" comes from the situation where you needed a helpers and troubled him/her.
  • In this theory, "tekozuru" comes from the situation where you needed a helpers and troubled him/her.

Thank you so much for the corrections!

> 就活に手こずるよ!(>人<;)
Good job!
もしあなたが就活中なのであれば、「就活に手こずっているよ」としたほうがより自然です :)